I have a favorite sweatshirt. I bought it a few months ago. It’s gray and soft and in big black letters on the front, it says “Pancakes Solve Everything.” It was totally an impulse buy, but it made me smile on a day when I really needed to, and so, that lucky sweatshirt came home with me.

It has since become my kids’ favorite sweatshirt as well. When I put it on, they chant like frat boys around a keg. (They typically request that I make pancakes whenever I wear it, and sometimes I do….with chocolate chips!)

The more they celebrate the shirt, the more it makes me want to wear it. The more I wear it, the clearer it becomes — they are sooo going to laugh at me someday.

These are the moments that will fuel bouts of laughter, over beers, sometime in their 20’s….

“Remember when mom used to wear that dorky pancakes sweatshirt?”

I will definitely be the butt of their jokes. But for now, at ages 6 and 8, they love it. And I secretly (or not so secretly because I am writing about it here) relish the attention I get from them.

Yes, the shirt is comfortable. And yes, the saying makes me smile.

But the best thing about wearing that shirt is that when I do, I am their hero.

They associate me with happiness and silliness and heck…. PANCAKES!

It doesn’t get much better than that.

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